Members who meet the following 2 criteria are eligible to serve in any of the Area Coordinator positions listed below: (1) is an active Al-Anon member and (2) is not also a member of Alcoholics Anonymous.
AA Liaison - Dean H. Email
The AA Liaison (Al-Anon member) is a link between Al-Anon and AA in the spirit of cooperation between the two programs. He/she attends the monthly RI AA Convention Committee meetings as a voting member in all affairs except “finances” and attends the RI AA Convention. The AA Liaison obtains the Al-Anon main speaker, coordinates travel and accommodations (including communicating the speaker’s needs to the Committee), and hosts the speaker for the weekend. He/she works with the Literature Coordinator to ensure that Conference Approved Literature (CAL) is available at the Convention, assists with the set-up of the Literature table, and communicates the Literature Coordinator’s needs to the Committee, i.e. number of tables, chairs, etc. The AA Liaison provides the Al-Anon meeting schedule and topics (to coincide with the AA meetings at the convention) and coordinates Al-Anon members to chair the scheduled Al-Anon meetings. He/she provides the Al-Anon insert for the participant packets (1200). At the Liaison’s discretion and schedule, he/she provides assistance in the Convention mailing and stuffing of participant packets. He/she informs Al-Anon/Alateen groups in the Area about the convention and cooperates with AA in publicizing the convention within the fellowship including posting the flyer and registration forms on the Al-Anon website and in the Lifelines newsletter and emailing flyer/registration forms to the RI Area Al-Anon GRs, Area World Service Committee members, and the Area’s announcement list. If requested, the AA Liaison will assist in the Al-Anon Workshop including obtaining the AA Speaker and arranging for the AA Outreach Coordinator to set-up an information table at the Workshop. Voluntary participation - the AA Liaison can participate in the Ocean State Young People’s Conference Committee. It meets once a month. If the Coordinator chooses to participate, he/she is a voting member of the Committee. The Coordinator provides topics for the Conference (3 meetings). Participation and attendance at the Conference is voluntary.
Alateen Coordinator - Brian F. Email
The Alateen Coordinator is the vital link of communication between the WSO and the Area on matters relating to Alateen. This coordinator is a resource for Alateen at all levels of service. He/she is responsible for the training and certification of Al-Anon Members involved in Alateen Service (AMIAS). The Alateen Coordinator works with the Alateen Process Person to submit all required forms to WSO, manages the recertification of Al-Anon members involved in Alateen Service (AMIAS), and verifies certification of members serving Alateen for Al-Anon conventions and other events with Alateen participation. He/she serves as Chair of the RI Alateen Safety Guidelines Committee. The Area Alateen Coordinator is required to be certified as an Al-Anon Member in Alateen Service (AMIAS).
Archives Coordinator - Claudia P. Email
The Archives Coordinator preserves the experience, history, and memorabilia of the RI AFG. The Coordinator may head up an Archives Committee, which would be responsible for researching the history of Al-Anon in RI. The archive materials are currently at the Area office. Anonymity is stressed when displaying photographs that might identify individual members. The materials collected can be displayed at workshops, assemblies, group anniversaries, or public information displays.
Forum Coordinator - Kim C.
The Forum Coordinator encourages groups and members to submit sharings to the Forum magazine and to subscribe. He/she carries Al-Anon’s message of recovery as it is printed in the Forum to the GRs, who are the Forum Representatives at the group level. This coordinator’s duties include, but are not limited to, being available to GRs and DRs for assistance in conducting workshops or outreach activities. He/she can ask Area World Service Committee members to assist by subscribing to and sharing the value of the Forum as they conduct their service activities. Coordinators can keep records of their efforts to pass on to the next coordinator. They may also bring sharing sheets, blank order forms, and copies of the Forum to workshops, assemblies, etc. Display boards may also be made to use at these events.
Group Records Coordinator - Maggie Email
The Group Records Coordinator serves as the Area’s designated contact with the WSO regarding all Rhode Island Al-Anon group records. He/she uses the WSO Online Group Records application to notify WSO of any and all meeting changes including registering new groups. As needed, the Group Records Coordinator generates reports for the Area Chair and other AWSC members to use when sending out the Area Appeal and other pertinent Area information. This position maintains and updates the RIAFG AWSC contact list, including providing copies to AWSC members. (Personal information is considered confidential and treated as such.) He/she assists the Area Assembly Committee with registration by providing up-to-date sign-in sheets for all attendees and nametags for the AWSC members. The Group Records Coordinator receives communication from WSO via email and the AFG Connects Group Records Coordinator e-Community. He/she must have computer and Internet availability and be familiar with Microsoft Office Programs, such as Word and Excel.
Lifelines Editor - Brandon H. Email
The purpose of an Area newsletter is to provide a vital link among individual Members, the Groups and the Area; to encourage attendance at service events; communicate local, area, and Al-Anon Information Service news; and attract Al-Anon members into service. The objective of the Lifelines Editor is to produce a monthly newsletter. This is done by recurring articles-i.e. Delegates Corner; requesting articles from those that hold AWSC positions; asking for personal shares; checking website for dates and times of upcoming events; participating in AWSC meetings; choosing a publish date; having other AWSC meeting members proofread the newsletter; maintaining a newsletter email distribution list; and distributing it to the newsletter distribution list. Member’s anonymity is protected at all times. All of this can take anywhere from 4 to 8 hours a month, if the coordinator works alone. It may be helpful to form a committee, or find a group of volunteers who are willing to donate a half-hour or hour of their time to do certain tasks each month.
Literature Coordinator - Jackie W.
The Literature Coordinator carries the message of recovery and unity through Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature (CAL) to the Districts, Groups, and members in the Area. He/she manages the Literature Distribution Center at the Area Office, maintaining inventory, updating the order sheet, ordering new literature, and making donations from the proceeds to the Area treasury. This Coordinator reads and becomes familiar with each piece of Al-Anon literature, encourages its use in meetings and program events, works with volunteers to display CAL at Area events and the RI AA Convention, develops literature donation projects, and encourages members to write sharings for ongoing and new CAL projects.
Office Coordinator - Open Email
The Office Coordinator ensures that our Area Office runs smoothly, making sure it is fully stocked with office supplies, training at-home and office volunteers, coordinating the volunteers office hours, answering the phones, following up on messages, and filling literature orders.
Public Outreach Coordinator - Open
The Public Outreach Coordinator informs the general public through the media, professionals, facilities and organizations who we are, what we do, and how to get in touch with us. Our goal is to attract to our program those whose lives are or have been affected by someone else’s drinking, so that those who need our program can find the help and hope we offer. He/she serves as a communication link between the WSO and the Area, making presentations or holding workshops at events in the Area and the general community; distributing service projects and information from the WSO to Area Assemblies, Districts, and Groups; encouraging the Area, Districts, and GRs to carry project ideas and information to the groups; and continually educating the fellowship about the need to attract those who are still suffering to our program. The Public Outreach Coordinator also contacts Area TV and radio stations encouraging playtime for Al-Anon Public Service Announcements.
Website Coordinator - Linda Marie Email
The Website Coordinator maintains and updates the Area website. Responsibilities include following World Service Office website guidelines; keeping the RIAFG website current including Area events calendar and meeting lists; uploading the monthly Lifelines newsletter; and updating Area information, news, and service opportunities. He/she is responsible for the annual renewal of our Weebly website fees and for maintaining the Area officer/coordinator email accounts.
Any active Al-Anon member is eligible to serve in any of the Area Coordinator positions listed below: As these are non-voting positions, they can be filled by an Al-Anon member who also is a member of Alcoholics Anonymous.
Alateen Process Person - Sally K. Email
The Area Alateen Process Person (AAPP) serves as the Area’s designated Alateen Contact with the WSO Group Records Department regarding Alateen forms and registration requirements, and works with the Alateen Coordinator implementing the Alateen Behavioral and Safety Requirements, and assisting with filing forms and training of and certification of AMIAS. The Alateen Process Person is required to be certified as an Al-Anon Member in Alateen Service (AMIAS).
Email Coordinator - Holly R. Email
The email coordinator maintains the Area email account, checking it regularly for messages, and responding to messages as needed or forwarding them to other AWSC members for an appropriate response. Members’ anonymity is protected at all times.
Workshop Coordinator - OPEN
The Workshop Coordinator heads the Workshop Committee, which plans our annual Fall Workshop. The purpose of the Workshop is to allow members to enjoy a day of recovery while participating in giving back to the program (Participation Is the Key to Harmony). All proceeds help the Area as a whole, which allows us to be self-supporting. The Workshop Coordinator chairs periodic committee meetings and secures volunteers who take on responsibilities for registration, decorating, hospitality, master of ceremonies, speakers, meetings, food, craft table, Alateen participation, AA participation, Literature table, and Public Outreach table. This person troubleshoots and supports these tasks as necessary.
AA Liaison - Dean H. Email
The AA Liaison (Al-Anon member) is a link between Al-Anon and AA in the spirit of cooperation between the two programs. He/she attends the monthly RI AA Convention Committee meetings as a voting member in all affairs except “finances” and attends the RI AA Convention. The AA Liaison obtains the Al-Anon main speaker, coordinates travel and accommodations (including communicating the speaker’s needs to the Committee), and hosts the speaker for the weekend. He/she works with the Literature Coordinator to ensure that Conference Approved Literature (CAL) is available at the Convention, assists with the set-up of the Literature table, and communicates the Literature Coordinator’s needs to the Committee, i.e. number of tables, chairs, etc. The AA Liaison provides the Al-Anon meeting schedule and topics (to coincide with the AA meetings at the convention) and coordinates Al-Anon members to chair the scheduled Al-Anon meetings. He/she provides the Al-Anon insert for the participant packets (1200). At the Liaison’s discretion and schedule, he/she provides assistance in the Convention mailing and stuffing of participant packets. He/she informs Al-Anon/Alateen groups in the Area about the convention and cooperates with AA in publicizing the convention within the fellowship including posting the flyer and registration forms on the Al-Anon website and in the Lifelines newsletter and emailing flyer/registration forms to the RI Area Al-Anon GRs, Area World Service Committee members, and the Area’s announcement list. If requested, the AA Liaison will assist in the Al-Anon Workshop including obtaining the AA Speaker and arranging for the AA Outreach Coordinator to set-up an information table at the Workshop. Voluntary participation - the AA Liaison can participate in the Ocean State Young People’s Conference Committee. It meets once a month. If the Coordinator chooses to participate, he/she is a voting member of the Committee. The Coordinator provides topics for the Conference (3 meetings). Participation and attendance at the Conference is voluntary.
Alateen Coordinator - Brian F. Email
The Alateen Coordinator is the vital link of communication between the WSO and the Area on matters relating to Alateen. This coordinator is a resource for Alateen at all levels of service. He/she is responsible for the training and certification of Al-Anon Members involved in Alateen Service (AMIAS). The Alateen Coordinator works with the Alateen Process Person to submit all required forms to WSO, manages the recertification of Al-Anon members involved in Alateen Service (AMIAS), and verifies certification of members serving Alateen for Al-Anon conventions and other events with Alateen participation. He/she serves as Chair of the RI Alateen Safety Guidelines Committee. The Area Alateen Coordinator is required to be certified as an Al-Anon Member in Alateen Service (AMIAS).
Archives Coordinator - Claudia P. Email
The Archives Coordinator preserves the experience, history, and memorabilia of the RI AFG. The Coordinator may head up an Archives Committee, which would be responsible for researching the history of Al-Anon in RI. The archive materials are currently at the Area office. Anonymity is stressed when displaying photographs that might identify individual members. The materials collected can be displayed at workshops, assemblies, group anniversaries, or public information displays.
Forum Coordinator - Kim C.
The Forum Coordinator encourages groups and members to submit sharings to the Forum magazine and to subscribe. He/she carries Al-Anon’s message of recovery as it is printed in the Forum to the GRs, who are the Forum Representatives at the group level. This coordinator’s duties include, but are not limited to, being available to GRs and DRs for assistance in conducting workshops or outreach activities. He/she can ask Area World Service Committee members to assist by subscribing to and sharing the value of the Forum as they conduct their service activities. Coordinators can keep records of their efforts to pass on to the next coordinator. They may also bring sharing sheets, blank order forms, and copies of the Forum to workshops, assemblies, etc. Display boards may also be made to use at these events.
Group Records Coordinator - Maggie Email
The Group Records Coordinator serves as the Area’s designated contact with the WSO regarding all Rhode Island Al-Anon group records. He/she uses the WSO Online Group Records application to notify WSO of any and all meeting changes including registering new groups. As needed, the Group Records Coordinator generates reports for the Area Chair and other AWSC members to use when sending out the Area Appeal and other pertinent Area information. This position maintains and updates the RIAFG AWSC contact list, including providing copies to AWSC members. (Personal information is considered confidential and treated as such.) He/she assists the Area Assembly Committee with registration by providing up-to-date sign-in sheets for all attendees and nametags for the AWSC members. The Group Records Coordinator receives communication from WSO via email and the AFG Connects Group Records Coordinator e-Community. He/she must have computer and Internet availability and be familiar with Microsoft Office Programs, such as Word and Excel.
Lifelines Editor - Brandon H. Email
The purpose of an Area newsletter is to provide a vital link among individual Members, the Groups and the Area; to encourage attendance at service events; communicate local, area, and Al-Anon Information Service news; and attract Al-Anon members into service. The objective of the Lifelines Editor is to produce a monthly newsletter. This is done by recurring articles-i.e. Delegates Corner; requesting articles from those that hold AWSC positions; asking for personal shares; checking website for dates and times of upcoming events; participating in AWSC meetings; choosing a publish date; having other AWSC meeting members proofread the newsletter; maintaining a newsletter email distribution list; and distributing it to the newsletter distribution list. Member’s anonymity is protected at all times. All of this can take anywhere from 4 to 8 hours a month, if the coordinator works alone. It may be helpful to form a committee, or find a group of volunteers who are willing to donate a half-hour or hour of their time to do certain tasks each month.
Literature Coordinator - Jackie W.
The Literature Coordinator carries the message of recovery and unity through Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature (CAL) to the Districts, Groups, and members in the Area. He/she manages the Literature Distribution Center at the Area Office, maintaining inventory, updating the order sheet, ordering new literature, and making donations from the proceeds to the Area treasury. This Coordinator reads and becomes familiar with each piece of Al-Anon literature, encourages its use in meetings and program events, works with volunteers to display CAL at Area events and the RI AA Convention, develops literature donation projects, and encourages members to write sharings for ongoing and new CAL projects.
Office Coordinator - Open Email
The Office Coordinator ensures that our Area Office runs smoothly, making sure it is fully stocked with office supplies, training at-home and office volunteers, coordinating the volunteers office hours, answering the phones, following up on messages, and filling literature orders.
Public Outreach Coordinator - Open
The Public Outreach Coordinator informs the general public through the media, professionals, facilities and organizations who we are, what we do, and how to get in touch with us. Our goal is to attract to our program those whose lives are or have been affected by someone else’s drinking, so that those who need our program can find the help and hope we offer. He/she serves as a communication link between the WSO and the Area, making presentations or holding workshops at events in the Area and the general community; distributing service projects and information from the WSO to Area Assemblies, Districts, and Groups; encouraging the Area, Districts, and GRs to carry project ideas and information to the groups; and continually educating the fellowship about the need to attract those who are still suffering to our program. The Public Outreach Coordinator also contacts Area TV and radio stations encouraging playtime for Al-Anon Public Service Announcements.
Website Coordinator - Linda Marie Email
The Website Coordinator maintains and updates the Area website. Responsibilities include following World Service Office website guidelines; keeping the RIAFG website current including Area events calendar and meeting lists; uploading the monthly Lifelines newsletter; and updating Area information, news, and service opportunities. He/she is responsible for the annual renewal of our Weebly website fees and for maintaining the Area officer/coordinator email accounts.
Any active Al-Anon member is eligible to serve in any of the Area Coordinator positions listed below: As these are non-voting positions, they can be filled by an Al-Anon member who also is a member of Alcoholics Anonymous.
Alateen Process Person - Sally K. Email
The Area Alateen Process Person (AAPP) serves as the Area’s designated Alateen Contact with the WSO Group Records Department regarding Alateen forms and registration requirements, and works with the Alateen Coordinator implementing the Alateen Behavioral and Safety Requirements, and assisting with filing forms and training of and certification of AMIAS. The Alateen Process Person is required to be certified as an Al-Anon Member in Alateen Service (AMIAS).
Email Coordinator - Holly R. Email
The email coordinator maintains the Area email account, checking it regularly for messages, and responding to messages as needed or forwarding them to other AWSC members for an appropriate response. Members’ anonymity is protected at all times.
Workshop Coordinator - OPEN
The Workshop Coordinator heads the Workshop Committee, which plans our annual Fall Workshop. The purpose of the Workshop is to allow members to enjoy a day of recovery while participating in giving back to the program (Participation Is the Key to Harmony). All proceeds help the Area as a whole, which allows us to be self-supporting. The Workshop Coordinator chairs periodic committee meetings and secures volunteers who take on responsibilities for registration, decorating, hospitality, master of ceremonies, speakers, meetings, food, craft table, Alateen participation, AA participation, Literature table, and Public Outreach table. This person troubleshoots and supports these tasks as necessary.