Al-Anon/Alateen Conference Approved Literature (CAL) includes books, daily readers, pamphlets, and newcomer packets that are published by the Al-Anon World Service Office. A wonderful assortment of Al-Anon and Alateen literature exists to help us in our recovery. Through reading CAL we learn that we are not alone and that our situation is not unique. Conference Approved Literature contains readings written by members of the Al-Anon program, which are designed to follow the principles of Al-Anon. These principles include the concept of neutrality and respect for the personal beliefs of individuals in the Al-Anon program.
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Rhode Island Al-Anon Family Groups maintains a complete stock of current Al-Anon and Alateen CAL. Anyone (Al-Anon groups, individual Al-Anon members, the public, health professionals, etc.) wishing to obtain Al-Anon or Alateen literature can purchase it from us in either of the following ways:
For more information on Al-Anon/Alateen Literature:
- Visit our Literature Distribution Center (LDC) at 106 Rolfe Street, Cranston, RI
- Complete an Order Form and mail it to the LDC at the above address, along with payment plus shipping.
- Mail orders will be filled and shipped to you by our volunteers.
For more information on Al-Anon/Alateen Literature:
- View our Literature Catalog
- Check out what CAL is available as Electronic Literature
- The Forum Needs Your Sharings about Our Three Legacies! Please consider writing about one of the Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions, or Twelve Concepts of Service, as our World Service Office receives very few sharings about them. Submissions should range from about 200 to 400 words.
NOTE: Submissions in Spanish or French must be accompanied by an English translation.
Submit to The Forum, 1600 Corporate Landing Parkway, Virginia Beach, VA 23454‑5617; or
to [email protected]. Submit Online